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Is "Green" Just a Fad?

Going "green" is nothing new. Long before the recent trends people have been trying to use healthier alternatives to toxin latent products for decades. In fact I have been using "green" products for most of my life. My question is very simple.

Is going Green just a fad or is it really the right thing to do?
Whether or not you have concerns of Global Warming or Green House Gases I believe that using environmentally friendly products (not just house hold cleaners) is the right thing to do, always.
Below are just of the few statistics I have rounded up. Some are very shocking.

The amount of wood and paper we throw away each year is enough to heat 50 million homes for 20 years.

About 110 million Americans live in areas with levels of air pollutants the federal government considers to be harmful.

Americans dump 16 tons of sewage into their waters--every minute of every day.
Although water covers two-thirds of the surface of the Earth, all the fresh water in lakes, streams, and rivers represents only one-hundredth of the Earth's total water.
Each year, 1 million sea birds, 100,000 marine mammals, and 50,000 fur seals are killed as the result of eating or being strangled in plastic.

Americans throw away 25 billion Styrofoam coffee cups every year, and 2.5 million plastic beverage bottles every hour.
Americans throw away about 40 billion soft drink cans and bottles every year. Placed end to end, they would reach to the moon and back nearly 20 times.

Eighty-four percent of a typical household's waste--including food scraps, yard waste, paper, cardboard, cans, and bottles--can be recycled.
Using recycled paper for one print run of the Sunday edition of the New York Times would save 75,000 trees.

If every American recycled just one-tenth of their newspapers, we would save about 25 million trees a year.
Each year, 40 million acres of tropical rain forests--an area larger than the state of California--are destroyed through logging or burning.

Only 10 percent of the 35,000 pesticides introduced since 1945 have been tested for their effects on people.

With so many options for "Going Green" today and many of those products are so economical there really is no reason not to try. Go and find anything and make a difference. I be live that the small act of scouring the sink can be apart of the giant act of saving the world.

Todd Hanson
Discover How Green You Can Be

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