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Showing posts from May, 2009

Titanic's last survivor: Milvina Dean, 97

by Mary Rourke Millvina Dean, the last survivor of the Titanic, the ocean-liner that sank on its maiden voyage in April 1912 after colliding with an iceberg in the North Atlantic Ocean, died today. She was 97. She died at a nursing home near Southampton, England, the port where she and her family boarded the ship on its only voyage, according to Charles Haas, the president of the Titanic International Society. Her death came on the 98th anniversary of the launching of the Titanic on May 31, 1911. "She was a remarkable, sparkling lady," Haas told the Los Angeles Times today. "She knew her place in history and was always willing to share her story with others, especially children. She was the last living link to the story." Dean was about 8 weeks old when she and her family set sail, third class, on the luxury ocean liner on April 10, 1912. Five days later, she was among some 700 passengers and crew rescued off the coast of Newfoundland. She and her mother, ...

Hakim: Nizar MB Perak yang sah

kemaskini 7.35pm Mahkamah Tinggi Kuala Lumpur mengumumkan Datuk Seri Mohamad Nizar Jamaluddin sebagai menteri besar sah Perak setelah digugurkan jawatan tersebut, awal Februari lalu. Hakim Mahkamah Tinggi (Bahagian Rayuan dan Kuasa-kuasa Khas) Datuk Abdul Aziz Abd Rahim memutuskan bahawa Nizar tidak mengosongkan jawatannya itu kerana beliau tidak kehilangan kepercayaan majoriti anggota DUN. Dalam kes ini, Abdul Aziz berkata tiada undi tidak percaya telah diusulkan terhadap Nizar, lapor Bernama . "Bagaimana seseorang boleh mengatakan yang pemohon (Nizar) telah hilang kepercayaan majoriti mengikut Perkara 16(6) Undang-undang Tubuh Negeri Perak?" "Berdasarkan amalan demokrasi, isu kehilangan kepercayaan majoriti hanya boleh diambil kira melalui undi tidak percaya terhadap pemohon (Nizar), hanya melalui cara ini menteri besar boleh disingkirkan," Abdul Aziz dipetik berkata dalam penghakiman bertulis yang disampaikannya pada 2.30 petang. Pada 13 Februari lalu, Nizar mem...