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Saya tidak sayang lagi Tengku TT

Bekas model terkenal Indonesia, Manohara Odelia Pinot berkata dia tidak lagi sayang kepada suaminya, Tengku Temenggong Kelantan, Tengku Muhammad Fakhry Petra yang didakwa telah menderanya. "Saya tidak sayang lagi kepada Tengku TT (Tengku Temenggung)," kata Manohara dalam siaran langsung di stesen TV Indonesia, RCTI tengahari tadi. Selain Manohara, turut menyertai dalam siaran langsung itu ialah ibunya - Daisy Fajarina - dan Mohd Soberi Shafii - teman karib Tengku Temenggung Kelantan itu. Mohd Soberi memberitahun Malaysiakin i, Manohara menyuarakan perasaan itu sewaktu siaran langsung tersebut. "Saya menyertai siaran langsung itu melalui telefon dari Kuala Lumpur," katanya. Menurut Mohd Soberi manohara menyatakan dia tidak lagi sayangkan suaminya ketika menjawabnya mengapa dia membuat dakwaan didera oleh Tengku Temenggong Kelantan. Selepas mengungkapkan kata-kata penuh emosi itu, Mohd Soberi berkata, beliau kemudiannya kepada Manohara: "Apakah selama ini, tidak...
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Titanic's last survivor: Milvina Dean, 97

by Mary Rourke Millvina Dean, the last survivor of the Titanic, the ocean-liner that sank on its maiden voyage in April 1912 after colliding with an iceberg in the North Atlantic Ocean, died today. She was 97. She died at a nursing home near Southampton, England, the port where she and her family boarded the ship on its only voyage, according to Charles Haas, the president of the Titanic International Society. Her death came on the 98th anniversary of the launching of the Titanic on May 31, 1911. "She was a remarkable, sparkling lady," Haas told the Los Angeles Times today. "She knew her place in history and was always willing to share her story with others, especially children. She was the last living link to the story." Dean was about 8 weeks old when she and her family set sail, third class, on the luxury ocean liner on April 10, 1912. Five days later, she was among some 700 passengers and crew rescued off the coast of Newfoundland. She and her mother, ...

Hakim: Nizar MB Perak yang sah

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Foto mesra kerabat-model muncul

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Life Versus Lifestyle

There is a difference but what constitutes a life and what constitutes a lifestyle is pretty ambiguous. One thing that seems pretty clear to me is the lifestyle is observable while a life can have many internal aspects to it. A lifestyle can include people, material things, environments, how we spend our time, energy, and money. A life includes things like our beliefs, our values, our commitments, our soul’s dream, and our vision. If you choose a lifestyle first you could wind up with an empty fortress. If you choose the life first, you will design your lifestyle to support the life. Since most of us already have a lifestyle, and a default life, we usually have to do some redesign work. Choose a life and then redesign our lifestyle. It is possible that the lifestyle you currently have will never support the life you truly want to live. It is possible the lifestyle you currently have has many supporting structures and only minor renovations need to occur. It is possib...

How Loud is Your I - Nauseating Selfishness, Self Absorbed, Self Exalting

How loud is your I Yes, that's a question? In other words, how loud Do you defend yourself? How loud do you uplift self? How loud and long do you Assert and exert yourself In an effort to lord yourself Over others, sisters, and brothers? Acquaintances, any and all people Within close proximity of proud you Coercing, telling people what to do Pushing, shoving, and rarely loving Faintly yielding, never simply letting People be happy, nor live authentically On the contrary, do you seek to control? Dictate your will and contaminate the soul? If so, then you and the devil has often stole Time, talents, energy, resources, and life From precious people created in God's image Brutal and belligerent, you're marred visage Insecure and ignanimous bearing reproach As you try to live with yourself and cope Playing superior and pontificating royally It is you my dear who are actually the dope Perhaps you need to cleanse your heart Also your abrasive mouth with some soap Reckon your impol...

The Best Way To Carry Live Worms While Fishing

Do you fish with live worms? How do you transfer them from fishing spot to fishing spot? If you're a sedentary angler who doesn't move around much while fishing, this isn't a problem, but if you're like me and move from place to place, crossing the river as you fish, transporting live worms can be an issue. Just stuffing the container that live worms are purchased in, into your pocket or fishing vest simply doesn't cut it. The container ends up smashed, and the next thing you know there are loose worms all over the place. The answer to this problem is amazingly simple. It's called a bait bag. You can make a bait bag yourself or purchase one it makes little difference, what's important is that you begin using one sooner, rather than later. A bait bag hangs off of your fishing vest, shirt, or belts and carries your live worms while fishing. The concept is as simple as it gets, and once you use one, you'll wonder how you ever fished without it. Many anglers...